Quinoa Flour Carrot Cake
Turns out you can have your cake and eat it too; made with almond flour and apple purée to reduce the sugar and oil content for healthier (but just as tasty) twist on classic carrot cake.
Dry ingredients:
190g almond flour/ground almonds
125g Amisa Organic quinoa flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
½ teaspoon nutmeg
½ teaspoon ground ginger
Pinch of sea salt
Wet ingredients:
3 eggs
60ml melted coconut oil
120ml maple syrup
60g unsweetened applesauce
60g coconut yogurt or yogurt of choice
75g grated carrots, plus extra to top
50g walnuts, chopped, plus extra to top
60g Coconut butter